As a Menopause Coach I support those who menstruate to integrate their Menopause into all aspects of their life for more balance, better wellbeing and ultimately a Merry, not a miserable Menopause. Together we unpick your hormones and your symptoms, your stress and lifestyle factors so that you can make sense of how you are feeling, be kinder to yourself, build resilience and keep on living fully through your Menopause transition.
Menopause today is so very different for our generation than it was for our mother’s and our grandmothers and their mothers and grandmothers.
Biologically it’s the same – our ovarian function depletes, this impacts the production of the sex hormones, oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone, and once our monthly cycle stops we go on to adapt and live with a long term hormone deficiency – but what HAS changed is the way that we live our everyday lives, our lifestyle has changed dramatically. For many people the years between Perimenopause and Post Menopause – roughly 40 – 55 are busy, demanding and challenging.
Menopause is so very different for our generation, we are raising young children, running businesses, advancing in our careers, maintaining or questioning our relationships, raising children and looking after ageing parents. At the same time, our hormones are re-calibrating and impacting our mental and physical wellbeing.
We are being pulled in all directions, our body is changing and for many, stress levels are high. This is the time of our lives when we truly need to support ourselves and to ask if we need help.
Now is not the time to press ‘stop’. If you do, it’s unlikely that you will press ‘play’ again.
If you feel that your life is unravelling due to hormones and external life pressures, ask for help, there is a way forward and with the right support you can manage your Menopause and integrate it into your life, easing stress and hormonal imbalance.
Now is the time to educate yourself on what your body is doing and the changes that are occurring.
Menopause is a natural hormonal transition that every woman will experience. It is not an illness, it cannot be cured, but it can be managed. Menopause itself is one day, the last day of your last period which usually happens around the age of 51.
Your Perimenopause starts way before your periods stop in your late 30’s/early 40’s and can last 10+ years. For many women, it is the Perimenopause years that are the most symptomatic and therefore the hardest to manage.
The great thing about Menopause is that it makes us take a look at our lives. For many of us, our symptoms are a wake-up call to look at our lifestyle, our relationships, our careers and our stressors. Are we feeling happy?
At puberty, the beginning of our hormonal journey we transition from girl to woman, and at Menopause, the end of our hormonal journey it’s just as important that we give ourselves that same rite of passage.
That we acknowledge and say goodbye to the woman that has served us so well and step into the next powerful phase of our life prepared. We want to be mentally and physically fit and healthy and to move forward with clarity and assurance.
Your Menopause is so much more than any symptoms you may be experiencing, Menopause is a long term hormone deficiency, but it can also be a hugely empowering time of life, it is big, it is deep and it is complex.
As a Coach, I am an advocate of and accredited in Positive Psychology and NeuroScience and I help my clients to look at their Menopause differently.
We are not in denial about Menopause, we support it and build resilience to manage any symptoms that you may experience and also act on the insights and intuition that this hormonal change brings. For many women, the changes can be seismic leading to decisions around their career and relationships, dealing with the loss of parents or facing health issues.
This is the time to ask for support when making big changes, support to recover from the fallout and support to move forward. Together we can get the best out of your Menopause transition.
The average of Menopause, the last day of your last period is 51, and the average life expectancy is 81, that’s 30 years, a third of your life, living Post menopause without hormones.
So how do you want to look and feel in your 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s? You need to start thinking about that now and putting the protocols in place if you want to be healthy, sexual, happy and fulfilled for those Post Menopausal years.
The Merry Menopause was birthed during my Perimenopause.
I am 54, in my 3rd year of life Post Menopause. I managed my symptoms and life’s ups and downs. I’ve cared for and lost both my parents, left a relationship, embraced being single, dated and changed my career.
I have built an Online Community, a Coaching and Education business and started a podcast. I have delivered masterclasses and workshops, helped corporates and small businesses with their Menopause awareness campaigns and Coached many people to look at their Menopause differently and see the limitless opportunities that are available to them.
How did I do this? Because I became aware of the spikes and dips in my hormone levels and educated myself on the massive changes that my mind and my body were going through. I was able to track my cycle and predict and plan for the hormonal highs and lows both physically and mentally.
This helped me to be kinder to myself and others, and I stopped blaming my hormones and started working with them instead.
I saw my Perimenopause as the time to change the patterns and behaviours that were holding me back.
By working with me, you are working with someone who is experiencing her Menopause journey and making the most of it. I have coached and supported many women to have a Merry, not a miserable Menopause and I can do the same for you too.
Menopause is not an illness, it cannot be cured, but it can be managed and rarely is a holistic approach to Menopause taken. Holistic means looking at all areas of your life, especially those that are impacting your health and wellbeing, welcome to my Reset program.
The first part of The Reset Program is an in-depth questionnaire that I ask you to complete before our first call. The questionnaire asks you about your periods, your physical and emotional health, your relationships, your work life and your diet and exercise.
It will help us to get to the root cause of the issues that are impacting your wellbeing and any symptoms.
And it will give you a better understanding of the possible blocks around your health and wellbeing and where we need to work together, so I can support you to take positive action and move forward on your Menopause Journey.
Do your relationships need attention?
Are you struggling with hormonal teens?
Are your symptoms impacting your work life?
Do you want to start your own Business struggling with energy levels, brain fog?
Are you being pulled in all directions caring for your family and ageing parents?
Do you lack the motivation to exercise?
Are you putting on weight?
The time and space on each call are yours to work with as you wish so that you can Reset and get the most from your Menopause transition.
All calls are made remotely via Zoom and can be taken with you camera off or on.
Do you have a burning issue that you need support with? One-off Coaching sessions with me are available at £99 for 50 minutes.
All calls are made remotely via Zoom and can be taken with you camera off or on.
Book Your Coaching Session
“I contacted Jo after years of suffering terribly due to a hormone imbalance. I thought I had read up on it and was doing everything I could do, but very quickly Jo identified some lifestyle and dietary changes I could make, and to my amazement, I saw an enormous difference within a week! It felt like a huge black cloud had been lifted from me. Things have continued to be significantly better and I am absolutely over the moon! Jo is extremely knowledgable and so compassionate. I can honestly say that following Jo’s advice has changed my life, and I’m so grateful to her.“
“I first met Jo when she delivered a Menopause Awareness talk at my place of work.
I stood at the back crying, everything Jo was saying was how I was feeling and what I was experiencing, I was struggling. I contacted Jo directly and committed to work with her on her ‘Re-Set’ programme.
Jo helped me make sense of the way that I was and had been feeling. She talked me through how cycle tracking can help, I still have good days & bad days but I feel much more in control and I am kinder to myself on days that I know will be a struggle and I re-arrange important conversations to when I know I can smash it!
I have taken back control of my Perimenopause. I can’t recommend Jo and her programme highly enough.”
Managing Partner