The Pill

Were you put on the pill as a teenager or young woman because your periods were heavy? You had cramps? Bad skin? Mood swings? Before writing the prescription did your Dr go through the list of side effects of the pill? 
Did he/she explain that taking the pill isn’t going to correct your hormonal imbalance, it’s just going to suppress the production of your oestrogen, one of the most vital hormones a woman needs for her mental and physical health? We need oestrogen for our immediate and longterm bone health, heart health and brain health. 

Did they explain that the pill is linked to anxiety and depression? Or as quick as they put you on the pill did they write you a prescription for anti-anxiety and/or antidepressants?
Did they explain that the pill will play an important part in who you chose as a mate? Did they explain how important it is to get to know someone whilst you are having a natural cycle? That experiencing your relationship and your natural hormonal ebbs and flows will play a major part in deciding your long term compatibility with a partner?
Did they explain that spots and acne, cramps, heavy flow, clots, tender breasts and mood swings are the result of oestrogen dominance? Did they explain the importance of ensuring that you get rid of excess oestrogen through the natural detoxification process of the body, which can be hugely assisted by stress management, diet and exercise?
Many of the symptoms of PMS and the perimenopause are caused by a hormonal imbalance. The pill will not balance your hormones, it will suppress them. Yes, it will help to take away any pain and obvious symptoms, but the underlying issues will still be there, and they will surface at some point.
You need to produce oestrogen, your daughters need to produce oestrogen, PLEASE read the small print on the packet and educate yourself on what we are led to believe is a harmless and liberating medication.
By suppressing your monthly cycle you are suppressing your immunity, your intuition and impacting your long term mental and physical health. 
I believe the key to a Merry Menopause is understanding and working with your monthly cycle. Join me in January  for a 90 minute masterclass “Powered By Your Period” open to women of all ages. Email me to join the waitlist. 🙏🏻