26 Mar The Reality Starts to Hit … Covid-19
It’s been a week since the reality of what is happening around the globe started to impact my life. This time last week my clients, I’m a hairdresser, started cancelling thick and fast. I thought I could wear a mask and gloves and still be able to carry on, then last Friday the government issued the social distancing rule and that was it, my business gone for the next few weeks or possibly months. The offer from the government £94 Universal Credit and the panic set in. ⠀
So I tried to numb my reality by taking a deep dive into social media and watching the news 24/7. I got on board with group zoom calls and sending silly meme’s around on WhatsApp. I was all consumed with watching, reading and talking about ‘The Rona’ and then I did a 360. ⠀
I could feel myself going into a dark place, overloaded with news and social media. It was all I had been talking about. The dread of isolation and lockdown segued me nicely into the next stage, a pity party for one. ⠀
I had a few days of no news, limited social media and endless hours spent trying to claim for Universal Credit – which still isn’t complete. Every time I coughed I had to check in with myself and not go into a spin. I cried, my eczema flared up and I went into full victim mode. ⠀
But today is the start of the next phase, I washed my hair, got dressed, put on perfume and already I feel like I’ve achieved something more constructive than lying on the sofa looking at my phone. I will allow myself to watch the 5pm briefing as I, like many, am waiting for an announcement from my new crush, Rishi Sunak – anyone else? – on how he’s going to help me and the other 5 million self-employed citizens of the UK. ⠀
But before that, I am going to work out what my new routine is, what my daily life can look like and how I can serve The Merry Menopause community during this time. I’m sorry I’ve been away for a while, I had nothing worthwhile to share or to give, but now I have time and space to think and create and listen, so please let me know how you are. Sending you love, strength and peace Jo 🙏 ❤️