What And How We Eat Impacts Our Gut Health

Poor gut health leads to chronic inflammation and hormonal imbalances. Bloating, poor digestion and belly fat are all signs that something is up with your gut. ⠀

The main causes of these symptoms are a diet consisting of too much refined and processed foods, sugar, alcohol, bad fats/fried food, hormone and antibiotic laden meats/poultry/dairy artificial additives, sweetness and preservatives.
In addition to what we eat, how we eat also has an impact on our gut health and I’m a big culprit of stressful eating. I eat standing up, on the run and I can skip meals so that when I do come to eat I’m so hungry I inhale my food and eat way too fast. FYI our stomach doesn’t have teeth so un-chewed food puts added strain on the digestive system. In addition to stressful eating, stress in general puts our digestive enzymes into overdrive leaving us with indigestion, wind and bloating.⠀
Want to know about a cheap and simple way to reduce bloat and improve your gut health? Click here to find out