Adrenal Fatigue – The Signs

Adrenal fatigue can be the root cause of many of the common symptoms of the menopause. So How do you know if you are suffering from adrenal fatigue? The following are some of the very common signs;

  • trouble getting up in the morning
  • tired for no reason
  • more energy as the day goes on
  • irritability
  • difficulty concentrating
  • lightheaded when standing up
  • struggling to lose weight/build muscle/shift belly fat
  • exhausted after exercise
  • run down
  • stressed
  • digestive issues
  • Illness after illness
  • no interest in sex
  • and the most important one, are you just not having any fun?⠀
As our hormone levels are depleting, if we have knackered our adrenals they can’t kick in to give us the back up hormones we need, hence the symptoms of hormone loss, because our back up isn’t working. ⠀
Adrenal fatigue is not recognised by GPs as a condition, it is only alternative therapies that consider it. Personally I can relate to many of those symptoms and I recognise them as some of the common symptoms of my perimenopuase. So what can we do to support our adrenals? Find our here